How to sleep on a long flight: Here are 5 simple ways you should try

For some customers, having a good sleep on the airplane seems to be impossible. However, with the following advices from health experts, it no longer is a big problem.

Fasten seat belt buckle over the blanket

There’s nothing worse than being bothered by the cabin crew in the middle of your flight, except for the circumstance that the aircraft is flying through turbulence and the flight attendant will wake you up to make sure that all seat belts are fastened. Thus, before you are going to sleep, make the seat belts are visible to the aircraft staffs. This will let them know that you comply with the safety policies and do not interrupt you. 

Picture: Boarding Pass

Visibly fastening the seat belt can also help the blanket to be fixed on the body, avoid it falling off onto the ground, and having to pick it up.

Avoid indigestible food

Try not to eat too much before boarding, bring some snacks instead. This prevents you from experiencing indigestion, bloating, discomfort, and difficulty falling asleep. When your body feels comfortable and relaxed, you will fall asleep easier.


Wear comfortable clothes

It is possible to bring some pairs of jeans along the journey, but you should not wear them on an airplane. Other tight, cramped items are also not a good idea. Instead, wearing comfortable, soft, and warm clothes would be a better choice in this case.

Picture: Prima

Reserve a nearby window seat

Window seats enables you to not only lean on the wall inside the aircraft but also adjust the light in your favor by pulling the window shade up and down. Light adjustment not glaring at the eyes helps you sleep better.

Recline the seat slightly

Many people argue that the wider the seat reclines, the more comfortable we are. Andrew Lawrence, an Australian doctor of chiropractics, advises that the reclining chair should be moderate. Then, you should use a cushion at the end of the spine, to help relieve pressure at the junction of the lower back and pelvis. “The place where the spine and pelvis meet is under the greatest pressure when we're sitting upright and when we're awake.” But when we sleep, the neck is where the most pressure is. The best position is to sleep on the back about halfway, this position helps us keep the head from moving, but doesn't put too much pressure on the back," Andrew said.

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